Welcoming your pets to Living Gems
Living Gems

Pet-friendly community

Welcoming your pets to Living Gems

Welcoming your pets to Living Gems

Pets bring us so much joy and companionship, so when you’re ready to downsize you need to be sure that your furry and feathered friends are welcome as well.

In this pet guide, we’ll look at all the factors you need to consider when choosing between a retirement village or an over-50s lifestyle resort.

Not all Australian retirement villages welcome pets. In fact, according to a 2018 Animal Welfare League survey, only 18 percent of residential aged care facilities allowed pets – this is even though 64 percent of Australian households have pets.

Many older retirement villages weren’t built with pets in mind and don’t have private yards or off-leash walking areas. And for many years, these villages enforced a blanket ban on all pets.

However, lifestyle resorts that are created for active over 50s, such as Living Gems, welcome pets.

Our resorts are designed to be pet friendly, with plenty of leashed walking areas and many also offering enclosed off-leash dog areas as part of the development.

Like all lifestyle resorts, there are basic rules for homeowners to follow. For example, Living Gems’ pet polices are:

  • Owners are responsible for their pets’ behaviour.
  • Local council laws regarding pet ownership must be complied with.
  • Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times, unless they are in your home, or fenced-off alfresco area, or at the resort’s off-leash dog run.
  • Cats must not stray from your home or roam the resort.
  • Cats are to be kept indoors at night to protect local wildlife.
  • Pets are not allowed inside the Country Club, common facilities or any Living Gems offices except for assistance animals.
  • Unacceptable pet behaviour may result in a written warning. More than three written warnings may result in a request for the pet to be removed from the resort.


Moving to a new home can be stressful for both you and your pet, but there are several things you can do to help your furry friend settle into their new surroundings:

Keep to a routine: Try to stick to your pet’s normal routine as much as possible, including their feeding and exercise schedules. This will help them feel more comfortable and secure in their new environment.

Create a safe space: Set up a designated space in your new home for your pet, such as a cosy bed or crate, with their toys and familiar items. This will give them a place to retreat and help them feel more secure.

Introduce them to the new home gradually: Start by introducing your pet to one or two rooms in your new home, and gradually let them explore more areas as they become comfortable. This can help prevent them from becoming overwhelmed or stressed.

Spend time with them: Spend quality time with your pet, playing, snuggling, and talking to them. This will help them feel more at ease and strengthen your bond with them.

Update their identification: Make sure to update your pet’s identification tags and microchip information with your new address and phone number in case they get lost.

Be patient: It may take some time for your pet to adjust to their new surroundings, so be patient and understanding. Provide them with lots of love and attention, and they will soon feel right at home.

Welcoming your pets to Living Gems