6 Tips for Saving for Retirement
We save for so many things in our lives, so shouldn’t saving for retirement be part of our plans too?
The great news is that Australians are in a better position than most in the world, thanks to our compulsory employer superannuation program that starts as soon as we begin paid employment.
But if standard super contributions alone are not enough to give you the retirement lifestyle you’d like, it’s time to consider the next step.
6 best tips to save for retirement
Putting away a bit of money for your retirement today, in addition to compulsory contributions, can have a big impact on your retirement balance in the future.
But before you begin, the first thing is to understand your finances today.
If it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed your household budget – or you don’t actually have one – take the time right now to get all your numbers together to see whether you’re on track to have the retirement you deserve.
Remember, being...