Losing the ‘love handles’
Living Gems

Losing the ‘love handles’

Tips for shaping up your mid-section

Losing the ‘love handles’


While there may be a little more of you to love, many of us are keen to lose those ‘love handles’ — the visceral skin and fat that sits over our hips. And there’s good reason as fat in that area may increase the risk factors for a variety of diseases.

Health and and fitness professional, Josh Kristenson, has some great tips for shaping up around the mid-section. And why not try these tips with your significant other? Exercising together is a great way to bond and reach your fitness goals in good company.

1. Calorie-conscious choices

When it comes to managing love handles, being mindful of the calorie density of fats is crucial. Choose leaner cuts of meat, use less or no cooking oils, and opt for low-fat milks and other products. This way you can naturally reduce calorie intake without impacting on nutrition which is the first step in supporting your efforts to address love handles.

Understanding how certain dietary choices impact calorie intake is key to making informed decisions that aid in managing and reducing excess fat around the midsection.

2. Cardio and strength

Take advantage of the equipment in Living Gems resorts’ state-of-the-art gyms.

Cardio activities like cycling, treadmill workouts, and rowing help burn calories and reduce overall body fat, including love handles. These exercises work by elevating the heart rate, thereby improving cardiovascular fitness.

Strength training, using resistance machines or free weights available in the gym, not only helps to tone muscles but also aids in increasing overall metabolism. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can build muscle mass, which in turn helps in burning more calories even at rest. Strength training, while toning muscles and reducing fat, also contributes to better functional movement and increased bone density.

3. Hydration

Hydration is a potent ally in the quest to lose body fat. Adequate water intake plays a crucial role in supporting metabolism by aiding fat oxidation and regulating appetite. Staying properly hydrated enhances exercise performance, including the body’s ability to burn fat efficiently during workouts.

Simply staying well-hydrated throughout the day can make a big difference. Ironically, drinking water regularly will help prevent water retention, which can make love handles look worse.

4. Consistency and patience

Sustainable changes take time to yield results, which is why it is essential to make those healthy habits consistent. Patience is key as gradual progress is more lasting and sustainable. By maintaining consistency in hydration, diet, and exercise, you can achieve fat loss goals over time and reap the rewards of your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Losing the ‘love handles’