Tips in nature's favour
Living Gems

12 eco hacks for the home

Tips in nature’s favour

Tips in nature's favour

The 21st Century has introduced an environmentally friendly attitude towards living. Becoming more sustainable has never been simpler, so now is the time to upskill your knowledge on what to do to help the planet and start living a healthier and eco-friendlier life.

Once you decide you want to live more sustainably, just stick to the three Ps: plan, prepare and preserve. Here’s 12 eco home hacks to get you started.


1. DIY natural beauty products

Research DIY chemical-free beauty products and make your own. Not only will you save money you will be using natural ingredients that are healthier for your body.

Bodywash recipe: Mix 90ml each of coconut oil, honey and castile soap together.


2. Dry clothes in sun

Dryers use between 1800-5000 kWh of energy per cycle. Hang washing outside and let nature do its job.


3. Plan weekly meals

Plan meals to decrease your weekly food wastage. You are less likely to overbuy and waste food this way. Consider batch meal cooking among friends. E.g. Four people, four different meals.


4. Reduce water waste

Use a bucket in the shower to catch running water to water plants with. Another easy tip is to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.


5. Share your meat

Get a group of friends together and purchase an entire pig or cow. You will get better cuts, higher grade quality meat and the opportunity to use all of the animal. Talk to your butcher about meat sharing.


6. Compost

Throw vegetable scraps into a container while cooking and make your own compost that can be added to your garden.


7. Renew, reuse, recycle

The 10c per bottle program will include wine bottles later this year, so remember to keep saving bottles and get cash back from a recycling centre. Consider doing it as a community project.


8. Plant indoors

Plant some indoor plants in pots for the home. Not only are they pretty, indoor plants help filter the air you breathe.


9. Upcycle or buy second hand

Get creative and start thinking about upcycling an old piece of furniture or check out your local opportunity shop for unique, one-of-a-kind pieces to use in your home.


10. Grow your own

Grow your own herbs and vegetables, to help save you money each week. Check out pages 16-17 for growing hacks.


11. Family fun nights

Host family fun nights and preserve energy in the home. Bring candles out and turn off all lights, including any appliances and play games by candlelight with family and friends.


12. Learn to preserve and ferment

Preserving and fermenting food is easy and not only helps decrease food waste, but fermented foods are also rich in probiotics and good for healthy gut bacteria. Do some research and find `how to’ guides.

Vegetable fermenting



  • Chopped vegetables of choice
  • 2 cups of filtered water
  • 1.5 tbsp sea salt or kosher salt
  • Herbs and spices of choice – pickling spices work well
  • Wide-mouth sealable jar



  1. Chop vegetables and fill jar together with herbs and spices, leaving 2cm of space from top of lid.
  2. Mix water with salt and fill jar, making sure all vegetables are covered and water level is 1cm below rim.
  3. Seal and store in pantry for a minimum of one week before placing in fridge for a further two weeks to ferment.
  4. Lasts up to one year or more.
Tips in nature's favour