Resort Round-up
Welcome to another edition of our Resort Round-up. There is never a dull moment at our Living Gems communities with so many activities and fun things happening all the time.
The festive season was a time for get-togethers for family and friends with many special moments and memories shared throughout our Living Gems communities.
Homeowners from across our Living Gems resorts ensured everyone had a good time with celebrations ranging from small gatherings to major get-togethers at restaurants, in resort Country Clubs and other dining and entertainment venues.
There was plenty of laughter and dancing when an estimated 85 Gold Coast Living Gems residents came together for a fabulous dinner dance in the Recreation Hall to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. They certainly had a spring in their step as they danced the night away as well as enjoying some delicious traditional Christmas cuisine.
At Sapphire by Living Gems, residents were quick to get into the swing of a brand-new year at a special function that inspired everyone to join in. Music was provided by a local doctor who is known as Rock Doc. He was assisted by some of their own residents including Roy, Stuart and Graham. The joint, as they say, was rockin’ and a great night was had by all.
There were several great events enjoyed by Amber by Living Gems residents ranging from homeowners, including Bob Johnson and Robbie Smith, sharing a drink or two in the temporary clubhouse during Happy Hour and fabulous New Year’s Eve functions enjoyed by scores of fun-loving residents, to the Sailability Bayside event which carried a
‘Woodstock’ theme. Residents John and Carol-Lyn McClure went all out disguising themselves as hippies and won the prize for the best dressed couple. Peace man!
Amber residents also spied resident Darren riding around the resort with a friendly hitchhiker of the canine variety, Lola, the King Charles Cavalier. It was smooth sailing for both!
There were grass skirts, blow-up palm trees and lots of hula dancing at the Amber by Living Gems Hawaiian Summer Party, organised by resident David Skinner, assisted by Larry Clifford. The street party proved a popular event with over 100 residents attending. A hamper valued at $70 was awarded to the best dressed couple while the Yumpling Dumplings Food Truck also paid a visit to ensure everyone’s palates were well catered for. DJ Dave provided plenty of Hawaiian and Beachboys music on the night. Aloha!
Share your photos and news with us!
If you would like to have your photos featured in the Thrive Resort Round-up next month, or have a story idea to share, we’d love to hear from you. Send your photos to us before the 15th of each month to ensure your shots can be included in the next edition.
Email us at [email protected]