Living Gems

Right-sizing the Living Gems way: how to find the right home

Often referred to as downsizing, right-sizing is the process of finding a home that better suits your wants and needs. We prefer this term over downsizing, as it suggests you are giving up something, rather than trying something new.There are plenty of moments throughout our lives where we will have recognised the need to right-size our home. We make space in the beginning for our children; we collect so many furnishings and items as they grow up, that by the time they leave the nest we’re left asking ourselves, what now?Right-sizing offers you the opportunity to free up your time and to focus on the things that are most important to you. Be that an old hobby you’d like to start again, or something different altogether.There are so many benefits to picking up where you are and moving into a space that better caters to your lifestyle. Don’t be afraid to try something new; move to that countryside suburb, or...