Living Gems, Living Gems Caboolture

40 years of connections discovered at Living Gems

When Sandy Sinclair moved into her new home at Living Gems Caboolture she never had anticipated the wonderful friendships she has formed, particularly with Home Owner Pam Taylor, with whom she had unknowingly shared a parallel history.After running into each other a number of times at the resort, Pam and Sandy became fast friends. It didn’t take long before they discovered that they share 40 years of connections.Sandy said they could trace their first connection to their schooling days and then to later in life when she and her late husband were living in Moranbah.“It turned out that one of my good friends during my school years, going back over 50 years, has been Pams best friend for over 40 years during their time living in both Moranbah and Yeppoon,” says Sandy. “The second connection we worked out was via my brother; he was working with Pam’s late husband as an electrician in Moranbah mine for a number of years...